Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pre-departure jitters.

Well .. it's the night before the flight. This time tomorrow, I will be in a plane, going over the Atlantic somewhere. It's weird to think that I've gone from just trying to propose the idea of going to study in London to actually GOING. It's freaking me out a little bit.

I still have some last minute stuff to pack, like toothpaste and my toothbrush and stuff. I feel like I'm going to forget something important, and I'm worried that it's going to be something important. I guess I'll just have to double check tomorrow before I head on out of here.

I emailed people a while back to see if anyone was going to be leaving from JFK on the same day as me so that I could have someone to travel with. A kid named Ryan McKeon wrote me back tonight to let me know that he would be flying out of JFK on the same flight. I figure that if we get lost in Heathrow or London, at least we'll be lost together.

Here's to a good flight, happy travels, and .. GREAT BRITAIN! Cheers, mates!

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