Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I Saw Harry Potter's Wang.

So, Sally, Callie, Katie, and I went to go see Equus last night. It was SO good. Such a pathological show, though. If you zonk out for the quickest of seconds, you've missed a critical part of the show. I like that kind of thing, though. I like having to pay attention. It sort of MAKES your attention divert only to the characters, the story, and the words. I was a bit bothered by the two girls in front of me who moved from a different area. They kept moving all around and I couldn't see past their heads. It was ridiculously annoying. But then after intermission, they moved and it was all good again.

Daniel Radcliffe was absolutely brilliant in the show. I was actually very amazed. I mean, he's not that bad as Harry Potter (he basically is the embodiment of that character), but he gave a terrific performance last night. It's a very, very intense role to play, and I'm so glad that he was able to show the extent of his talent. And he got completely naked. As did the girl. I knew it was coming, but I was still surprised when it happened. I forgot for a bit that he was even naked, but when he goes to pierce the horses' eyes with the hoofpick, he was jumping all around, and then I remembered about his nudity. Ha ha.

The little black flats I bought yesterday were .. not very good for walking around in. Which sort of defeats their purpose, I suppose. They gave me a terrible blister on my left pinky toe and both my heels. I was limping all about the West End. Felt a bit foolish, really. Oh well.

Oh, and then we passed the theatre where they have all of the movie premieres in London, and there was something big going on. Lots of lights, lots of people in tuxedos and gowns, so we thought something really important was taking place. It turns out that they were just filming a fake premiere for some TV show. I was very disappointed. Oh, and there was also a Bollywood event that was apparently really huge going on right 'round the corner from the other theatre. In the same courtyard type of thing. Very, very busy!

We came back to Atlantic House, and the three girls went out somewhere. I think to the Greyhound. I decided to stay in, though. I needed a break. I don't know if anyone's going out tonight following Mary Poppins (yay!), but I don't think I'll go. I know we're going out somewhere tomorrow night, so I'll save up my energy for then. I didn't sleep all that well last night. I'll need to catch up.

So, yes. We're going to see Mary Poppins tonight. It's at the Prince Edward Theatre on Old Compton Street in the West End. Very exciting! I haven't seen Mary Poppins (the movie) in so long .. I've nearly forgotten all of it. But oh well. It'll be nice to be reminded tonight.

More later.


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