Monday, May 28, 2007

Note to Self.

When someone says, "I'm really hungry, let's go and get Greek food," and it's pouring rain outside, with huge gusts of wind, and it's absolutely freezing, don't agree to go with him or her. It'll probably be a bad idea. Although, it was really funny and once we got to the Kebab place, the food was delicious. I was so angry that I had to throw out the rest of my Hoummus. It was SO good. Ugh.

I only got up a little while ago (what a lazy git!), but today's a Bank Holiday, which means we don't have classes or anything. Most businesses are closed, but we're going to start going out and stuff a little earlier than normal. I think it's because one, it's Memorial Day back home, two, we have off today, and three, classes start up again tomorrow. So the earlier in the afternoon, the better. I can't do a 3am-bedtime tonight, especially if we have classes tomorrow morning.

It's nice to have everyone back from Paris. Callie said it was good, but that she missed London. I probably would've had the same reaction. I really do love this city, and everything about it. The people, the places, the smells, the sights, the weather, even! Which is why last night wasn't all that bad. Sure, I was freezing. And I was wearing flip flops. And my pant legs were completely soaked up to my butt (no exaggeration) when we got back. And the wind was howling. But .. it was still fun. London rain is so much better than rain in Prov. or on LI. I don't know why, but it is. It's the weather that England-ers have had to endure since they started here. And I feel like I've experienced an ancient tradition by walking in it.

Oh, Laura and I walked around Kensington Gardens yesterday. It was beautiful! I think we're all going to try to have tea at the Orangery at some point or another. Well, I HAVE to do it, whether I like it or not. It's up to everyone else if they want to come. We also want to go horseback riding while we're here. And, I have to say, I would probably crap myself senseless if we did so. It'd be absolutely .. ah! There are no words.

So, yeah. That's it for me. I rented Robin Hood, Men in Tights from the library, but I've yet to watch it. Maybe I'll watch it while I'm getting ready. Hmm .. we'll see. Sally's still in bed, but she's got plenty of time. I need to grab some food before we start celebrating the holiday, though. I don't think my shortcake biscuits are going to cut it this time.


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