Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Covent Garden and the West End

Great day. I slept perfectly last night. I didn't wake up once! I think it was the Snakebite and the Strongbow that did me in. I found out from Pip last night that the Snakebite is actually illegal in some bars because it's supposed to mess you up that badly. I didn't really feel it that much, but I know that only after one Strongbow, I was pretty pissed. So, I guess it did its job.

Anyway, yeah. Sleep was great. Had a weird dream about Boson Market chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn, and I woke up feeling very hungry. Very hungry. Sally and I slept a bit later than usual because didn't have to walk down to Young St. for our class. Went down and had breakfast, which was good .. until a little while later when I thought my intestines were going to shrivel up in my abdomen. That wasn't much fun, but more on that in a bit.

Met outside of Atlantic House with the rest of the class and Professor Dryden. Took the Gloucester tube down to .. actually, I forgot where. Maybe Leicester Square or something along those lines. Anyway, we were in the West End, or the Theatre District of London. It was beautiful, and SO many theatres! It was fabulous. They have a Lord of the Rings musical that I'm a bit weary about, but .. whatever. I think Sally, Katie and I might be going to see Equus tonight, and Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) is in it! It's only 25 pounds, which really isn't bad for a show. Hopefully we can get a ticket. Otherwise, I'm sure we could see something else. There's a show, The Lady of Dubuque, that has Maggie Smith in it (another Harry Potter character!) and that looked rather good. We'll just have to play it by ear and see what happens.

We walked around the Theatre District for a bit of time, and then worked our way to Covent Garden. That's when my intestines started getting all wonky on me. Luckily, we found a bathroom and I was all better afterwards. I think I'll take this as a lesson to never eat breakfast within an hour or two of my waking up. I knew that it did bad things to my insides, but totally ignored what I already knew .. stupid me.

Covent Garden was BEAUTIFUL. I definitely want to go back and spend a bit of time there before I leave. So many shops, such pretty courtyards and other such things. We went into this church that has been there for hundreds of years, and they have plaques to all of these famous actors, writers, and actresses that lived or were a big part of Covent Garden and the area. It was really neat. It had plaques from the 1700's and 1800's, and there were all these headstones and such outside where some people were buried. Most of them had been worn away completely of words or names, but it was still neat to see.

Took the Covent Garden tube back to Gloucester Rd. and then made our way back to Atlantic House. Just came back from lunch, which was actually very good. The food here at the cafeteria isn't all that bad. I don't know what we're going to be doing until later, but I want to go back to this store that had clothes for five to ten pounds a piece. If we do go to the theatre later tonigh, I want to wear something nice. I think Sally wanted to take a nap, though, and for once, I'm actually not tired. I think it's because I slept so well last night. Thank you, Snakebite! Ha ha!

Well, that's all for now. More later.


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