Friday, May 25, 2007


I've gone and added the last of my photos. They're in the second album, which is the second link that I posted. Enjoy them. They have a lot from the London Eye, which we went on yesterday. It was absolutely brilliant. So, check those out.

I don't know what's in store for today. Sally and I don't have class, so the day is ours. Sally went over to Harrod's because she said she got a little stir crazy, so I'm just hanging out in the room. Once Laura is done and ready, though, we're going to head down to lunch. And then maybe Sally and I will grab tea at the Orangerie or something. We'll see how that goes.

I don't like the exchange rate, by the way. The dollars to pounds conversion absolutely sucks. And I hate it. But what can you do? I just have to budget my money well. It's just that there's so much I want to do, and none of it is super cheap, as nothing in London is super cheap. Even if something is five pounds, it's still ten dollars. That's what sucks the most.

Anyway, I'll update more later.


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