Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Before Class

Hello, eveyone! Sorry for the font change .. I've decided that I like this one much better.

Anyway, I've started a new album (you're only allowed 60 max photos in each album on Facebook). The link to it is here:


I'll be sure to add more as the days go on. Oh, we have our field trip today. We're meeting down in front of Atlantic House (which means very easy for me and Sally considering we live in Atlantic House), so I figure we're probably not leaving for breakfast unti 9.00. That is, if Sally wakes up. She fell back asleep. I feel like such an arse waking her up, though. I might do it anyway once I'm done typing.

I don't remember where we're going. Someone mentioned the Globe theatre, and if we do, one of my life goals will have come true. Actually, coming to London at all was a life goal. So I'm doing pretty well for myself, haha. It feels like we've already been here for weeks, when it's only the fifth day. Which is weird. But I absolutely love the people I met here, and I'm so unbelievably grateful.

That's it for now. I should wake Sally up so we can both get dressed and go grab something to eat. Although this early morning eating is doing absolutely horrid things to my stomach. Maybe breakfast isn't a good idea. Anyway, more later.


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